Current Scenario Of Waste Management In India & Improvements Needed

Until this date, In India, we are managing our waste volumes by filling the open grounds. The waste management company in Mumbai will solve your waste management problems. However, it is now being considered as threatening because it is likely to endanger the lives of many living beings. This emerges the need for improvement in the fields of waste management.

So, In this article, we will try to figure out the ways in which current waste removal system can be improved:

Try recycling instead of landfilling

Before you toss the junk in waste basket, wait a few moments & think of every single possibility that you can come across by recycling leftovers. Making bread crumbs out of residual bread is always considered to be a good idea. This way, the leftover food will taste better than before. On the other hand, you will save up a little on generating more food wastes. 

Upcycle the waste items

Many people consider recycling & upcycling as synonymous with each other. However, recycling is just a process of converting leftovers into reusable materials. On the contrary, upcycling means transforming the remaining stuff in such a way that it improves its overall quality & value. More specifically, the upcycled product has the similar value as that of the main product. For instance, making banana chips out of bananas that have less market value.

Try harvesting a compost pile

It is one of the effective ways to handle the food waste streams. You can compost almost every wet residue via right composting. To elaborate more, composting is a practice that speeds up the biological process of decomposing wet wastes. It has proven to be the sustainable way of treating wet scrap units. So to make it simple, one should always prefer composting over landfill dumping as it’s a safer & greener way of solving the waste problems. Moreover, you can install an organic waste converting machine like Goldust for that matter.

Instill a three bin system

Another most important thing you should learn is to separate the waste volumes correctly. So, people should always divide their scraps into three categories i.e wet, dry, and biomedical scraps. Afterwards, the steps should be taken to manage these scraps effectively. Also, the government authorities should set up three bins on the streets. Like one is for wet residues, another for dry trash, and the third for biomedical wastages like syringes, unused medicines, etc.

Turn food waste into energy

Last but not least, you can turn the food wastages including cooking oils into biogas – a renewable energy source. It is a healthy way to treat methane gas that emits from food waste. Also, using biogas, you can cut your reliance on limited fossil fuels. So, to sum up, it is an effective way to ensure reuse of food wastage volumes. This good habit will entirely resolve the waste management problem in India while ensuring environmental sustainability.


From the above-mentioned ways, composting is really an easy way that one can make a part of his daily lifestyle. You can learn conventional ways or install fully automatic composting machine-like Goldust on your premises.

Goldust is a product of LAHS Eco Engineering – a waste management company in Mumbai. It can easily turn high wet scrap volumes into effective manure within 24 hours. You can use this manure to grow healthier crops & plants in your balcony.

The compost removal can be done once in 8-10 days. Moreover, the entire decomposition process is fully odorless, noiseless, and maintenance-free.

This organic waste compost machine can fit even in smaller spaces because of its compact size. You can visit the official website of LAHS Eco Engineering to learn more about Goldust.

Author: Lahs Eco Engineering

LAHS Eco Engineering aims at creating zero garbage cities by adopting organic ways to dispose of waste. It is engaged in the production of organic waste composting machinenamed Goldust which is a fully automatic machine. This machine provides a noiseless, odorless, and maintenance-free service. It decomposes every type of natural waste and generates manure ready to use. This manure can be used in gardening and farming. Also, it does not emit any kind of harmful gases and pathogens. Compost removal can be done once in 8-10 days. We ensure our customer’s satisfaction by providing prompt delivery of Goldust at a competitive price. We have a hard-working and experienced team which always aims at improving product quality and manufacture next level products. We believe in innovating new ways of waste reduction, management, and disposal.

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